Hello my dears!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am heartily sick of News of the Moment. Here in the States we’ve been inundated with pre-election coverage, and no amount of keyword filtering software can spare a tender soul. So I have been on the hunt for tonics.
The entirety of the endearingly fluffy, A-Team-esque caper show Leverage is on both Netflix and Hulu. It’s set mostly in Boston but was filmed in Portland, often very close (like, down the block) from my studio. Good TV for when you need to turn your brain off and just be somewhere lively and harmless for awhile.
I’ve also been putting things into perspective with Ian Mortimer’s two Time Traveler’s Guide books, to 14th century England and Elizabethan England. Enjoy a visit to a place where troublesome politicians were decapitated and had their heads put on spikes!