Hello my dears! I’m home from the incredible Alaska Minicon and Artist Retreat, but in the true fashion of this scrambled egg of a month, I am 1000% knackered (turns out you don’t get a lot of sleep in bunk bed cabins in the back woods of Juneau…) and also looking after a fantastically sick spouse. In conclusion: this month was great, but also it’s involved about three months’ worth of running around.
Happily, I’m done with convention travel for the year! I have finished my freelance deadlines! May is nothin’ but comics all the way down. YAAAAY.
If you’re a Patreon supporter (at any level), I uploaded the writing exercise that I had my students do for my workshop at the Artist Retreat in Juneau! You can give it a whirl, and next week I’ll ask everybody some follow-up questions. Feel free to donate a minimum amount for just this month if you want to play along!