Hello, my dears.
I’m down with a bad case of head-cold-turned-bronchitis and my drawing tablet is down with a bad case of malfunctioning adapter cable. (I’m wheezing and floppy and the tablet is blacking out every 30 seconds or so. We’re quite the couple.) As a result, this week’s page is pencilled but not inked or colored! Boo, hiss. The upshot is that I’ve just picked up a SUPER SEXY inhaler to help with the ole’ breathing tube and a SUPER SEXY adapter cable replacement is on order from the computer store. Stay tuned for the next page as soon as we’re all feeling a little better.
Inhalers ARE the new sexy accessory this cold/flu season, judging by the number of folks I know using them at the moment. Hopefully you & your tablet are both feeling rested and better now.