Hmm whoops, remember that? Well, Ariana does, at any rate.
Newsy news! I will still be at ECCC in a couple of weeks; I’m aiming to have a fancy new print by then!
More importantly – Dark Horse Comics has taken over the publishing duties for Carla Speed McNeil‘s absolutely wonderful series Finder. If you haven’t read Finder, you’re missing out on possibly my most favorite ongoing comics work, ever. Friends, if I could, without fear of legal reprisal, eat the heart and subsequently steal the powers of any comics pro: Carla would be on Maryland’s organ transplant list in a skinny minute.
Now she’s being edited by my lovely friend Rachel Edidin over at DH, and goddamn it, I am not going to stop screeching at people about it until everybody involved is rich and famous.
Dark Horse has a new website online for the series, and you can pre-order the first volume of the collected Finder and Voice, the latest story from the series already, both at heart discounts. I don’t need to tell you what to do.