And here you thought it would be another 200 pages before you got more kissing! Happy Hanukkah.
Holidaytopia is upon us, so it is time for fancy deals. In the store, the Family Man Volume I book is $5 off until December 17th, with a free upgrade to Priority shipping in the US! And for the first time there is an option to have me add a sketch (something I only did for the pre-orders and convention books).
Last week I participated in another marathon roundtable discussion with Erika Moen, Bill Mudron, and (offscreen moderator) Katie Lane about the ups, down, how-tos, and oh-god-why-did-you-just-say-thats of being a freelance cartoonist. It’s in the Podcast page along with last year’s edition. You can also find the edited audio version on Katie’s blog Work Made For Hire.
See you next week, when there will be more exciting kissing! Or will there?