Oh, boys. Four kinds of booze in one evening? Good grief.
Welcome to October! No grand news to report, other than incipient Travel-a-thon; I’ll be at APE mid-month, then away for some family funerals, then home for Halloween, and then in Massachusetts for New England Webcomics Weekend! (Sorry, no New York Comic-Con for this girl; my head would’ve fallen off.) Doubtless this will have an impact on my productivity, but I’m looking forward to seeing friendly faces on both coasts. I am looking forward even more to a winter full of staying put.
But more than all of that, I’m looking forward to the next few pages. Mwahahah.
Pre-orders: still going out! Down to the last armful of book-onlys, and steadily burrowing through the painting orders. Whew! It’ll be crazy to not go through $200 of postage a week when this is all over…