Okay, gang, I promise that this is the last page of rabbit gore for awhile. MEANWHILE, over on the Dylan Meconis Library Kickstarter, the news continues to be awesome. We’ve got 18 days left to go and we’re climbing towards $22k! That means we busted past 20k, so everybody who’s getting a copy of Danse Macabre 2.0 will also be getting a set of Skullhouettes prints.

Next up, when we reach $25k…
…I’ll be making an embroidered patch for Outfoxed, and there are even more things I look forward to doing beyond that. Most of all, I am looking forward to spending so much of this year working on, you know, my own work, and not having to knuckle down through months of paying off a big print bill and wincing every time I print out a shipping label.
Thank you to everybody who’s contributed so far (and thank you for the patience and the cheering-on from those of you who aren’t able to this time around.)Â Check in on Kickstarter for more updates!